
Monday, June 17, 2013

Episode 2 Chaos Rising - Teen Wolf Season 3

This episode on Teen Wolf... Derek meet his younger sister Cora...
He thought she was dead...

In this episode childhood friend of Stiles missing in her 17th birthday party...
They don't know where she go...
His missing in question...

Peter Hale drop by at Derek's loft apartment to retrieve back the memories Isaac lost in past episode..
But Isaac doesn't like it...
Because he don't like Peter Hale..
He don't trust him...
Derek also don't like his uncle...
They trust Scott more than Peter Hale...

Peter Hale try to overcome the memories... 
but he see a series blurry image of Boyd and Deucalion..
Deucalion apparently promised that they want to kill both of them by the full moon tomorrow night...

Allison not give up to find what is the symbol of the bruise left by the Mysterious Girl on her arm...
She try to search all type of symbol...
Finally she found the symbol is the symbol of the Beacon Hills First National Bank...

Scott say if Peter can't help to recover Isaac memories... 
He said may be Dr. Deaton might have some idea to help them...

Yes...that right... Dr. Deaton help Isaac to recover all the memories...
So they start planning to safe Boyd... Even thought they know that Erica is dead...

So that night Derek and Scott go to the bank...
At the same time Allison also go to the bank...

Derek break the wall and enter to bank vault...
They meet Boyd and a girl...
At the same time Peter find out that is trap on the bank vault...
He asked Stiles to call Scott...
He told about the trap and Scott look around he found that they in the middle of the Mountain Ash Circle..
He told Derek about that but Derek not listen to him... 
Derek was surprise because he meet his younger sister Cora...
He thought his sister already dead...

Cora warns Derek to get out of the bank because she don't want to hurt Derek when she losing her control...
But Derek ignore it...
Derek try to speak to Cora...
But she totally losing her control...

They start fight when Ms Morrell put the Mountain Ash powder in front of vault door to close the circle line..
Allison that hide in the room hear the fighting going out from the hiding room...

She go to the vault room and see Boyd was hurting Scott...
She try to break the circle line but Derek warning her not to break the line...
But she not listen to it because she think that Scott in danger...

She breaks the circle line and she call Boyd...
After break it Boyd and Cora run out from the room...
Derek angry with Allison because Boyd and Cora will hurt someone else outside there...

Allison said she not the one turning teenager into killers...
but Derek Derek retorts that she might not but the rest of her family...

Allison said she might be make a mistake but that Gerard is not her mistake...
Derek verbally strikes again with “What about your mother?”
Allison is confused and they both look to Scott demanding that he explain...

It will be complicated to Scott to explain what happen to Allison mother...
So, wait for the next episode to know how Scott wanna explain the causes of Allison's mother dead.. 

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